Thursday, June 4, 2009

pemandu teksi yg cemerlang !!

Utk pulang ke umah dr uia, sy n kwn2 mngambil teksi utk ke kl sentral.. Smase prjlanan, uncle cina sbg pmandu tak pernah berhenti brckp.. Tidak spt pmandu lain, stiap ayat yg bliau keluarkn sgt bkualiti n pnuh dgn ilmu.. Uncle brtnya kpd ktorg , " U olang nk pg kl sentral ikut jlan kiri or terus? " Dsbbkn sy jrg jln kl, sy diam jela.. And dsbbkn sume diam, uncle memilih utk jalan terus.. Tibe2 kwn sy mncelah, " Eh, klu nk pg kl sentral, lbih dkat ikut jalan kiri " Uncle dgn rilek mnyambung, " Nape tak ckp awl2 td.. kte klu nk wt keputusan prlu pntas dan confident, tak boleh lmbt2 " Kami hnye mmpu trsenyum sbb kami prlu byr lebih sbb mlalui jln yg lebih jauh.. Wlaupun hnya satu ayt, ktorg dpt satu ilmu yg ckup brmakne dlm idup kami yg smmgnye sdg blajar mmbuat keputusan2 bsr ktika blajar di ipta..

p/s : jadilah pemandu knderaan di dunia krn Allah, insyallah malaikat akn memandu kita ke syurga nnt

langkah tercipta

* petikan lirik langkah tercipta, unic :

Allah ..
Pimpinlah diriku ,
tuk bangkit semula ,
meneruskan langkah ,
perjuangan ini ,
cekalkan hati dan semangat ku ,
kurniakan ketabahan ,
agar mimpi jadi nyata ,
padaMu ku meminta ..

Sudah 2 mggu sy berada di uia pj course asasi enginering , sy lebih mengenal erti hdup dan lebih brdikari.. Wlaupun mula2 agk susah utk mnyesuaikn diri dgn prsekitaran dan mnjalani hdup yg lbih ssh brbnding di umah, sy meanggap ini adlah satu nikmat yg ckup brkualiti utk mnjd lbih dewasa dan matang.. Scara jujurnye, sy tlah mlakukan byk ksilapn ktika brada di sini such as maen futsal smpai 1-2 pagi, brblanje utk mkn brlebihan n ssh nk bgun utk solat sbuh berjemaah di masjid.. Ada aritu, sy TERLEPAS SOLAT SUBUH.. May Allah Forgive Me.. itu smmgnye satu ksilapan yg sgt bsr bkn hnya kpd Allah ttp kpd sy jgak sbb kslapan itu akn mmbuat sy lbih lemah.. Bg sy, wlaupun manusia dcpta lemah, kte jgn la melemahkn lg diri kte yg lemah nii.. Kte spttnye mncari n memupuk kekuatan diri utk brjaye dunia akhirat..

Otak sy smakin runsing n penin apabila dberitahu bhw 200 org akn dcampak dari engin ke ict sbb plajar engin di uia melebihi bilangan yg dspttnya.. Melalui rsult exam nnt, ranking 200 plajar trbawah akn dplih utk dtukar kpd ict.. So ni semmgnya akn mnjadi ujian kpd plajar yg mmg xnk amek ict mcm sy.. Nk xnk, sy harap, sy dpt mndisiplinkn sikap n mmasg tekad utk mnjadi plajar yg dpt pointer yg trbaik.. Insyallah..

p/s : Ape yg penting? LANGKAH PERTAMA!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Brave to Be Different

Samad : Salam bro, aku kesian la tgk ko sorg je kt klas ni xde awek. Nape ko tak cari sdgkn muke da bley tahan?
Ahmad : Wslam bro.. Actly utk pe kte prlu ade mkwe? Bukan ke tu hnyalah keinginan hawa nafsu? Brfikiran mngjkut hawa nafsu sbnrnye bknlah brfikir. Kte bkn shj prlu genius dlm akademik tetapi kualiti emotional kte jga prlu jage. Lgpun Islam kn da mlarang bab2 kapel ni.

Samad : Ala ko ni, slalu sgt brpkiran smpit. Zmn kn da brubah n dunia da maju, hukum hakam ni utk org2 dlu je.
Ahmad : Aku bkn xtw skg dunia da maju tp ak hanye xnk amek mnde negatif yg mngikut arus kmodenan ni. Hukum2 ni Allah yg cpta. Dlm al-Quran pun ade 2lis. Xkn ko tak tkot Allah?
Klu ko pkir bhw ayat al-Quran ni utk org dlu je, cmne ngn bukti keajaibn sains dlm al-Quran? So ayt al-Quran da trbukti kbenaran n dicpta Allah sesuai utk semua umatnye.

Samad : Aku pcaye tp kapel ni best laa. Skg ni kn da byk tmpt2 dating such as wyg, tepi pntai n len2. Klu ade moto, siap bley bwk awek lg kt blkg..
Ahmad : Bro, kte jgn lupe bhw kte ade kekasih yg lbih mulia n hebat iaitu Allah. Stakat ley tgk wyg tu, sape yg cpta ko pnye mate? Yg moto tu, sape yg letak mnyak dlm laut? Sape yg bg oxygen utk kte idup? Lu pkir la sniri.. Ingtlah, " Dan adapun org-org yg tkut kpd kebesaran Tuhannya dan menahan diri dari keinginan hawa nafsunya, maka sungguh, surgalah tmpt tinggalnya. " ( An-Naziat : 40-41 )

Samad : Btul ckp ko tu. Thnx la bro atas nasihat ko td. Hrp2 rmai lg yg sdarkn..?
Ahmad : Tape la, mnde kcik je tu. Ilmu agme ni klu kte ade tp tak smpaikn, kte jgak yg diprsalahkn di akhirat nnt. " Dan serulah manusia supaya mnyembah Tuhanmu dan jgnlah engkau trmasuk org-org yg musyrik." ( Al-Qasas : 87 )

Samad : Key la, kte kne gi makmal kimia ni. Kang cikgu bebel swuh kte duduk kt luar nnt.
Ahmad : Hehe, oke jom!

Never 'for the sake of peace and quite'
deny your own experience or convictions

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Be a MUSLIM : Quality

Doing your best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment
- Oprah Winfrey -
Cesar Ritz was born in the Swiss mountain village of Niederwald, and went to work at sixteen in a hotel dining room in the nearby town of Brieg. A few months later he was discharged. "In the hotel business," commented his employer, "you need an aptitude-a flair. You haven't a trace of it.
Ritz got another job as a waiter-and again was booted out. He went to Paris, where he got-and lost two more jobs. His career really began with the fifth job, in a chic little restaurant near the Madeleine where he climbed from bus boy to waiter and finally to manager. He was still only nineteen when his employer invited himto become his partner. He knew now that what he wanted : the world of great names, of epicurean feasts.
In 1871, Ritz left Paris and for three years worked in fashionable resort restaurants in Germany and Switzerland. He was by then restaurant manager of the Rigi-Kulm, an Alpine hotel for its view and its cuisine. One day the heating plant broke down. Almost at the same moment a message arrived-forty wealthy Americans were on their way for lunch!
The temperature of the dining room was down around freezing. Ritz, wrapped in an overcoat, ordered the lunch table set up in the drawing room-it had red curtains and looked warmer. Into four huge copper pots, employed until then for holding palm trees, he poured alcohol and set it ablaze. Bricks were put into the ovens.
When the guests arrived the room was tolerably warm, and under the feet of each diner went a hot brickwrapped in flannel. The meal was a cold-weather masterpiece, starting with a peppery hot consomme and ending with flamming crepes suzette.
This small miracle of quick thinking was gossiped about wherever hotelmen gathered. Finally it reached the ears of the owner of a large hotel in Lucerne that was steadily losing money. He asked Ritz to become general manager. In two years the 27 years old peasant put the hotel on a paying basis.
For Ritz no detail was too picayune, no enterprise too large if it meant the happiness of great. " People like to be served," Ritz used to say, "but invisibly." The rules he formulated are the four commandments of a good hotelkeeper today: to see all without looking, to hear without listening, to be attentive without being servile, to anticipate without being presumptuous.
Ritz had a prodigous memory. He remembered who liked a certain brand of Turkish cigarettes, who had a passion for chutney-and when they arrived these things were waiting for them. He also catered to his more permanent guests. The tall man found an eight foot bed in his room. Mrs Smith, who could not bear flowers, was never annoyed with them but Mrs Jones, who loved gardenias, always found a bowl of them on her breakfast tray.
In 1892, Ritz went to London to take over the financially tottering Hotel Savoy. The public responded and the hotel was out of the red in an astonishingly short time. Roving from room to room, Ritz remade beds to be sure they were right; once, inspecing the dining room, he smelled soap on a glass and sent several hundred glasses back to be rewashed.
Arraging a party for Alfred Beit, the South African diamond king, Ritz flooded the Savoy ballroom-transformed it into a miniature Venice. Guests were served as they reclined in gondolas.
The success of the Ritz of Paris was never doubt. On one dinner menu preserved by an old Ritz employee were the autographs of four kings, seven princes, and assorted nobility. On all Ritz lavished his extraordinary attention, sensitive to every mood and price.
Even today, years after his death, the hotels and services attached to Cesar Ritz's name services attached to Cesar Ritz's name set the standard for quality. Quality was his every mind-set. Meal by meal, hotel after hotel, he paid the price to produce high quality, and the people were willing to pay a price to enjoy it. But like other success stories in this collection, his reputations did not come overnight.
Ritz adlah satu cth org yg mnjga kualiti dlm khidupan. As a muslim, adkah kte mnjga kualiti stiap ibadat? Adkah kte yakin kte dpt pahala sesudah kte mngerjkn solat? Adkah kte sntiase mnjg hubungn fmily? Adkah kte sabar apbila dtegur parent? Adkah kte sdah cube sdaye upaya mnuntut ilmu?
Kejayaan yg besar slalunya dtg dlm tempoh yg lame.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Define ur LOVE

Would make you blind
I don't care so much if I couldn't see
But it matters when love blinds me from seeing Allah's light

Would make you forget
I don't care so much if I couldn't remember
But it matters when love makes me forget Allah

Makes you a fool
I don't care so much in being a fool
But it matters if I am a fool when telling the differences between right and wrong

Makes you happy
But why should I be happy
When I should be grieving for disobeying Allah's orders

Needs a lot of sacrifice
I am willing to sacrifice
But why should I sacrifice, if its not for Allah

Why should I love
If its not for Allah

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Perah Otak : Apa itu CANTIK .?

Muslimah Pictures, Images and Photos

Adkah kcantikan or khenseman individu hnya prlu dinilai dgn paras rupe? Kte prlu ingat bhw paras rupe adlah smule jadi yg dberikn oleh Allah. Dari kcil, seseorg tdak prlu berusaha utk mndptkn muke yg cantik. Kte hnya prlu mnjage n mggunaknnye shj. Adkah Allah yg Maha Mencipta dan Maha Bijaksana mncipta muke yg cute or hnsem smate2 utk mnaikkan hawa nafsu seseorg? Cantik adlah subjektif. Cantik bole dinilai mlalui prangai yg baik n ikhlas, budi seseorg kpd tuhan n manusia, dan dan juge sjauh mne seseorg mnjage nikmat paras rupe n aggota bdn yg cantik dgn mnutup aurat n jge nafsunya.

Ape pula pndangn korg.??

Sila 2lis pndgn di comment
thnx :))

Monday, March 30, 2009


15-17 mac 09, progrm XCELL yg diadakn khas utk plajr form 5 telah blgsung dgn sukses. Matlamat pgrm yg mgutamakan aspek kcemerlangan akademik dan sahsiah mnjd fokus utame. Pgrm yg diadakn di Balik Pulau, Pulau Pinang ini juge dimeriahkn dgn khadiran seorg tokoh yg tkenal iaitu Dr. Danial. Wlaupun sy pg sbg pengiring mse pgrm ini ttapi sy mngmbil pluang utk mngikuti crmah2 n forum2 yg sarat dgn ilmu agma n akademik. Thnx tu abg2 n kkak2 karisma penang!.

video sdekah drpd krj penang

Moge smgt kte mse pgrm ini kekal spnjg hayat

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Kematian seorg kawan

Pertemuan ptame kali kt unikl mse Aviation Camp dgn seorg abg, sy tdak jgke ptemuan itu adlah kali terakhir apabila dia mnemui ajal smlm ( 28hb ) akbat ecden. Nsihat n pndgn dy kpd sy ttg ipt2 hrp dirhmati n diberi imbuhan oleh Allah sbg bkalan di akhirat.

p/s : bile plak gliran kte?
Doakan utk Alyarham.


" Dan siapkanlah untuk menghadapi mereka dengan apa saja yang kekuatan yang kamu sanggup dan dari kuda-kuda yang ditambat untuk berperang ( yang dengan persiapan itu ) kamu menggentarkan musuh "

( Al - Anfal : 60 )

Akhrnya mmpi sy utk mbuat blog suda ksampaian. Hnya tggu utk mnggunakn blog ni dgn sbaeknya krn intenet yg sy gunakn ni adlah rezeki dr Allah. So hrp apa yg sy tulis di cni dpt mnjadikn diri ini dan korg sume better n better stiap ari. Sila beri pndpt korg n kritikn ttg post yg sy tulis. Blog ini utk semua.

p/s : kdg2 jd skema itu bgus
Salam ;))